
9:21 p.m., 2006-10-21

I've just finished reading So Much To Tell You by John Marsden. And even though one of Eatrend's class (year 4) reading groups are reading it, it's still very good. It's even in the PRC.

Anyway, the story is really good. Similar to me a bit. Not her actualy life but the way she feels about things. Especially this diary. I love books like that.

So anyway, I still gotta finish my English powerpoint which I havn't touched since last term and it's due on Monday. And I got homework set by Mrs Young - the newspaper article and this one page summary on two ancient Egyptian topics. Rushed half powerpoint today.

Friday (or was it Thrusday??):
In the morning, Lynn did her "opening bag" thing on Lisa. She did it for the front small pocket. And guess what was inside it? The embarrassing, unspoken yet known to everyone, pads. Ping. All were laughing - Silvia, JoannaP. Daraphet, Lynn and me. I guess I shouldn't have but it was a bit funny.

There's this story I have decided to write during high school years. It's about these two girls and two boys that each have this adventure. They come from different times and don't know about each other. Then there's the latest boy that comes from 200? (whatever the year that I finish writing this very long story). See, I'm writing it during Maths and Science and all the boring subjects when the teachers talk too much. Or when I'm bored.
So yeah, that 200? boy ends up finding the other three in his time in his house or something. And yeah that's the outline.
Each person/story has romance and adventure and possibly mystery.
Right now I'm doing the first boy, called Kieren. The story's like: he finds that two different girls are on this quest to find each other because they're actually sisters. Then this nice girl dies and disappears like fading. Her sister goes with her because she's holding her hand.
Kieren finds out they're both missing at school. Then a while later, this new girl comes and is actually the two grils joined together. Strange huh? Only started thought but I'm actually determined to finish this story.

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