Cheeky Trouble

8:12 p.m., 2006-10-19

Yesterday's trouble I caused in French.

I kept taking Madeline's French books and moving them. Then I started switching them. She found out everything I did.

Then I secretly swapped her book with Ximia's. I thought Ximia would notice because I did it right in front of her eyes. But she was talking and looking away! Man, I was lucky. Shelley saw me.

So I laughed at Madeline until she realized that it wasn't her book on her desk. She swapped it with Shelley's, thinking the wrong stuff. Then she got it back a while later after Shelley found out it wasn't her book. Then they were swapping Ximia's book up and down the row of tables saying, "It's Joanna's (P)" or "This is Silvia's". LoL.

I finally couldn't lose Ximia's book so I told Madeline to ask Shelley where her real book is. Shelley said she didn't know. And I'm like, What the hell? You saw me and it's not like you want to be helping me or anything.

Now that was recess. When recess ended Shelley finally remembered that it was Ximia's and told Madeline. How could she forget? LoL.

Today at PE (Dance):

So me, Ximia, the twins, Karen and Jaya start arguing. Well Karen does't talk. Me and Jaya occasionally offer ideas. The twins and Ximia argue like hell.

Ms Ghitgos came in and told us to start working and all. Said we had to do 4 counts of 8. We panicked. I mean, we never get anywhere. We practically humiliated ourselves last time.

We tried to start. We actually managed almost 3 counts of 8. Wow, we were going pretty good for a group that never agrees.

Not one of them knows that I used to do dance for the first semester. I quit in term3 'coz it was too ballet-ish and I has no one to talk to. All the year 7's were stuck up. I odn't really want anyone to know. I don't want anyone to expect anything from me 'coz they'll probably be disappointed.

Anyway, we practised the dance in M8 and we're doing it to the song, Walk Away.

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