Puberty and winds

10:09 p.m., 2006-09-07

We watched a video in PD about puberty.

It was a cartoon, right, and it was going on about private matters and showing naked girls and boys growing. Ew. We also got shown why. Double ew.

Then the teacher got all of us to write an anonymous question about the topic. I was going to write something like, "Why do we need to know this now?" or "Why can't they make a video for girls only?", but i reconsidered.

Joanna wrote something like, "Why are guys so wierd and why do they sometimes act like girls?" LoL

Lauren wrote several random stuff.

I wrote, "Why do people flirt? Especially boys?". just for fun but it ended up being the second question read by the teacher. Everyone laughed. I'm glad no one knew it was me, except Joanna of course.

Think: two periods of videos on puberty and "growing teens". Yuk.

Windy. Very windy. A lake formed in the lowers again. About a month and a half since it last happened, and this one was deeper too. The middle tree looks cool. The wind was blowing the water this way and that, that it looked so white and pretty. Of course, like Mr Tate kicked us off the Hill, we got rejected by Mr C.

I mean, what's wrong with the Hill? It's really cool and high and windy and... cool. LoL

Next time

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