Deep stuff/talk 3 - continuing the parent stuff

9:24 p.m., 2007-01-28

This is a very strange entry. Does not make sense. Very hard to explain. Suggest you skip this.

Back to the my parents. When I was little I was just as shy, if not shyer. Shy people are usually obedient right? Yep and so until a year ago, I was miss goody goody.

Compared to other people I know, from primary, I thought more for others than myself. 'Tis the way I was raised.

So my parents don't notice this so called "obedience".

Then high school comes and its the that time of my life; the phase of disobedience. My parent notice that. So when I'm doing something good, they think thats nothing. But when I do something bad, I get told, "Gosh, listen to your parents more. Be a good girl. You never do what your told!"

They didn't notice when I was nice. But they do notice when I'm not nice.

Cough cough. Ano... I also realised that when I do something after I've been told, I don't like being complimented.

I don't like being praised for doing something after you told me to do it.
Gratitude would be the better option.

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