More of today's so called party

10:52 p.m., 2006-12-25


So I'm really quiet right? I"m not like Amanda-san who's talking 24/7. And when someone asks me a question the answer is usually a nod and a shake. So?

My mum's friends go, "Is Eve sick? Is there something wrong with her?". And what does my mum do?

Blow up.

Then she maskes this 20 minute lecture on manners of being a host when friends come over. And on everyone else speaking Chinese better than me.

Thats true. I refuse to talk Chinese even if I know its good for me. Thats why I suck at it. I have no idea why I refuse to practise. Some kinda mixture between pride, embarassment, hating my parents complimenting tremedously on this one phrase of Chinese, and hating it when my parents don't notice I"m talking Chinese.

I'm a bit wierd ain't I?

Jeez. My mum goes, "Why can't I learn to be like Frances and Philip and Chinese talking pros?"

She can't be proud of what I am now. I'm just not good enough for her. Gaybo. (Haven't used that word in ages ^^)

Well this is my freewebs site anyway:

Yepyep. I copied it almost exactly from Diaryland. =D

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