Ladidadida (title for the unnamable)

8:04 p.m., 2006-11-23

Classmates say I don't look really weird with braces. Not like Madeline when she got them. ^^ JoannaP got the same coloured braces.

We played cricket for PE. I actually hit the ball several times when batting. And I stayed in almost as long as Bronwyn, and she stayed in for many people-outs, like half the game, and scored like 40 runs. Lol. Course, it was just luck. I stuffed the second innings.

This was the first cricket game I actually enjoyed. That's because every other time I kept missing the stupid ball and getting out in seconds. =P

Coudn't eat anything. Aiyaa. Egg tart for recess, that was soft. For lunch, I ate half a mandarin desparately. On the train I ate my real lunch, 2 finger buns - or sugary buns as Eatrend calls it - and gave away almost half of it to Joyce and Jenny. Mostly Joyce. Obviously.

It was a good day. Very enjoyable Thursday, which is very rare. Especially this year.

I'm now part of the Marshmellow family. I'm Squishy Marshmellow. Lol. I reckon that's gonna change. Amanda who might read this, become a groupie!!!

Oh yeah, and I started watching Bleach on Monday. It's cool. Not as good as Inuyasha, but ok. I like the girl with black hair. Rukia or something. She's funny. ^^

I now have a timetable for watching anime. That's 'coz I keep starting something new beofre I finish something old. I'm gonna finish something at least before I start Fruits Basket. Or not...


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