Haven't updated lately...

6:16 p.m., 2006-11-15

uh... well here's some of the stuff that's been happening lately.
This is Joanna
This is Amanda
This is Amandaplaying on her violin at this thing called estiedford or something. pffft. Whatever.

And all I need to say is that Melanie said "I want you in my bed tonight" and hugged Kevin T which is that dude who she likes, sort of secretly.

INUYAHSA IS SO COOL!!! I love it man. They're (Inuyasha and Kagome) so cute together. Up to episode 18. I know it's ALOT better than Naruto. Even Amanda said she might like Inuyasha better than Sasuke. Lol.
Inuyasha rocks!!! (addicted x])


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