Gets me thinking

8:19 p.m., 2006-11-10

Lauren and Amanda and Joanna and me were playing truth or truth. Joanna sorta ignored me and I didn't try to make any contact. Hmm... I wonder how long we're gonna keep this up?

They weren't really personal questions. Just, like, "if you were stuck in a room" with some sorta situation.

I tell you what got me thinking? Lauren asked, "If you could do anything, even against all laws of science and government and all, what would you do?"
My favourite is, "To fall off the edge of the earth and land on a snowy moon."
Here's a list though:
Ride a shooting star
Draw the world with a good hand
Reshape the world

I think I will add more to it later on. I'll call it the List of Impossibilities (loi)

Anyway, Lauren also asked what colour would I change anything forever? I was going to change the sky to violet, but then Joanna said change the sky to pink - that sunset colour. Geez. Great minds think alike.

Eh... I really don't want to be those too wise people that think they know everything and are fakely depressing and all. So um... yeah.

Lol. If I had to choose between Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Alex Rider and Uchiha Sasuke, I would choose Artemis Fowl. ^^

Watched Naruto episode. I was crying more than I had ever cried over a cartoon show. It was this part when the bad guy with the name starting with Z, died and killed that Gatoo guy.

Cry cry.

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