History excursion to the city

7:42 p.m., 2006-11-20

Excursion for history to the Circular Quay.

Imax was cool. Egypt has always been cool. River nature tree pyramids mystery cooooool. lol

We went on this ferry. Felt good. Leaning on the railing on the edge. Wind blowing in face. Gliding though water fast. Cool. Totally loved it. Never thought I'd enjoy a ferry ride that much. ^^

The tour thing was really boring, even if I do like history. In the presentation thing I actually fell asleep for a few minutes. Lucky the teachers forgot to bring the worksheet. Tiring work walking around to all those boring and listening to stuff thats just coming out of the other ear.

Ate all nice food really quick. Cry cry. Tempted to buy icecream but too expensive.

Making this entry really short for some strange reason.


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