Happy Days

6:20 p.m., 2006-11-01

I don't think the science exam was that hard. Well, it was easier than the half yearlies science exam. I reckon (and hope) I'll get a better mark for science this time.

Daraphet hates me now. Why? I embarrased her. How? Here it comes...
Daraphet and Lynn sat together on the bus which left me and Amanda on half of the back seat. We had to share it with these year nine gaybos that were so loud and gay. Ping. They were so loud I wanted to throw something to shut them up.
I found a plastic bag in my bag and scrunched it up. I prepared, but didn't want anyone to know. So I threw it at Lynn (who sat on the other side in front of us) but missed and it hit Daraphet. Lynn saw my "evil face" - lol I was trying not to laugh - and knew it was me. But Daraphet didn't believe her and thought it was the dudes behind her that threw it. Yep the year nine gaybos.
So she threw it back at them and fortunately for her, though not for me, she missed. Now that's what i call secret communication! Lol. Anyway, the dude's are like "huh?" and, "Look someone likes us." GAYBOS. IDIOTS. GAYDIOTS. And then they pick up the plastic ball and go to Daraphet, "I think this is yours." LOL.
Daraphet later found out it was me. Now she hates me - not like really enemy hate but like funny hate hate. She said she should have ruffled their hair like she used to do all the time.
Yeah she should have. One of them had like that kind of gelled spiked hair that looked like it took ages to do.

Anyway, since yeasterday yesterday I've been reading those fat books that Diana reads over and over again. The series called Earth's Children. It's really thick and has really small writing and I thought it would be boring. But it's actually really really interesting and cool!
It's about Neanderthals and normal humands living together. Real cool.
I forgot to borrow the third book today and I'm so freaked out! I can't stop reading reading reading those books. Ahhhhh! Cry cry.
I don't really like the second book that much. Ok, it's got really cool animal bits that I like, but it has this romance bit that I don't like. I'm usually the type of person that likes romance stories entwined with adventure but I would rather have Ayla (the girl/main character) with no romance.

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