Best day of the week!

8:14 p.m., 2006-11-22

Japanese workshop today:
Made this some sorta small bag. Stuffed it up. Was like the last one finished. Didn't even finish it. FOund out just then that my stupid string fell off somewhere.

Then we made this beaded bee on wire. My colour co-ordination is very terrible. I was planning it out just fine. Then I saw this other person doing something that looked cool. SO I changed it. And stuffed it. AND... I think I lost it.

Finished watching She's the Man in english. Cool funny romantic lol. ^^

Hanging around Nancy peoples now in the "wormhole" which is actually the stairs near the S6. Discussing my Marshmellow name. Examples: flowery marshmellow; mooned marshmellow; michael jackson marshmellow; squishy marshmellow; squishy michael jackson marshmellow; etc.

Told Amanda about this diary. Must have been crazy, no high, after that stupid argument with her stupid family friend. Sigh. Arguments do that to me. That's why not going to tell anything about the most importan thing that happened today.

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