Eyes are Expressionless

10:05 p.m., 2006-09-01

In every single interesting book I've read, it has something like: eyes danced with amusement or eyes filled with sadness or something like that.

There is no way of finding out such things. I've tried. That is - staring in the mirror and smiling with different feelings. It doesn't work. My eyes look the same. No difference. Zilch. If there is anyone in the world that can read eyes, in real life, not books, then I will slap myself ten times.

It's the face, no the eyes. The way you're eyes narrow and widen perhaps. And eyebrows take a big part too. But you cannot, absolutely CANNOT, make your eyes say something. No way. Your eyes are as blank as blank can be. Though I love them alot, they are extremely blank.

Also I've found out that every time I read an adventure book. I want something to happen. Something interesting, not holding back. But I realized that that's what I'm doing. Holding back. DOing nothing interesting. I will never blame books again.

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