
6:18 p.m., 08/05/2007

Amanda is like... mozart freak...

Lauren is like... poet pro....

Anime stuff-
Watching Perfect Girl Evolution. The show says the guys are good looking. They look SO gay. THEY HAVE LIPS!!! May sound weird but when you think about it, not many normal anime guys have lips. As in pink lips that curl. Ew. Waiting for that to finish being suubbed.
So bored. Nothing to watch. Watching Rozen Maiden which I planned to watch since I first started anime. Music show is on youtube. Been watching it on veoh. Stupid.
Keeping track of all anime shows on frontpage.

Must do something about freewebs.

Amanda put

around the words down the bottom if css layout if does not work and is a css layout make your own little box as part of the css layout. If does not work copy and paste blah blah blah later... ask Lauren.

Normal day-
Ximia aka Piminus aka Pim Pim aka Pipi. Me aka Peevus (xP) aka Pee Pee (WTF??).
If I write like everything i know about Ximia or the twins or Amanda or Lauren or some more people, i can write forever... ><"

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