Ice skating

4:12 p.m., 2007-04-09

Went ice skating for the first time. In Canterbury. Eatrend's second time.


I asked for a size 7 pair of skates and they gave me a size 6. I didn't notice 'til the end when I took it off.

For the first half an hour or so, I froze my hands by holding onto the side rail thingy and attempting to move.

Then I got the hang of it and I managed to learn how to skate. Pretty good for my first time. Happy ^-^

Then I froze my bum off by falling onto the ice. Terrible. And I couldn't get up without holding onto Eatrend.

So we got a break and ate chips. This was one and a half hours since we started.

When we got back, I felt all fragile and started holding onto the sides for support again. Great.

In the end, I managed to skate in the middle without holding onto anything; avoid bumping into people; avoid getting bumped by show-off skaters; and fall down again.

It was cool. You couldn't bend your freakin foot in the skates, but it was fun.
Easier than rollerskating.
Colder than rollerskating.
Better than rollerskating.

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