Working life

21:55, Monday, Jun. 12, 2017

Wow hi. I've totally forgotten about you. I don't even know how. But anyway.

It's been about 3 months since I've started working and during that time I've met so many people and made so many new friends. People I actually get along with. Which in turn, makes me feel so much more comfortable and confident and less anxious about myself. Which is awesome. More so than I could have ever have imagined. Which is why it's such a nice surprise for me.

Work itself is alright. It's been a little slow although it has picked up from the beginning. But in comparison to others I don't feel the pressure and stress from looming deadlines and long overtime hours and taking work home and so on. I don't know if it's because it's not busy season yet or if I've just been lucky. Probably both.

I'm hoping I'll be able to pick up more work during the next few months. It's been really good just transitioning in and having fun meeting new people but I met up with A&Z a few days ago and they reminded me that I shouldn't be complacent and I should also be continuously learning and challenging myself.

I've also been catching up with my friends more too - people who have sort of fallen off the radar and friendships I've been lazy with for the past few years. I feel like I've never valued them so much more than now. Which is a good thing because I should be and I should be putting in effort. It makes time past so fast but also so slowly because there's never a boring week with work and catchups.

Which also means I've been spending a lot more just on food and drinks. Of course it's nothing I regret spending on but at the same time I am constantly looking at my budget and looking for alternative ways to save more money, especially since I'm paying most of my spare wages on board. But that's also something I don't want to give up. It's pretty hard which means my salary is just downright shit and from the looks of it, it's not getting any better for a few years at least.

Just this week I've been getting the travel bug again. I guess it's that time of the year, i.e. the perfect time to book flights and accommodation 6 months in advance. I've yet to decide if and where and when and everything and I probably won't have enough savings but if there's even the slightest possibility I can I probably will. Most likely... Japan. Sigh.

It's been really good these past few months. I feel very fulfilled, in ways that I wasn't during school and at uni. It most likely won't last but I'm hoping by then I would have figured out my next goal. Plus, I'm starting CA soon so it's back to study which means I'll have a little less time, but I'm sure there's still time for something else.

Until next time.

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