CD Day 32

22:58, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2013

Merry Christmas.

Wake up to go to Daguma's place for yumcha. I catch the bus and arrive at her familiar home. I am way too early; I end up hanging out with their grandkid who is the cutest little shit.

Get to yumcha with: 2guma, Steven, 3guma, and dadaguma and husband. Food is alright; table is awkward as usual. I get to talk to Steven a bit. I want to be somewhere else.

Finally leave. 3guma takes me shopping at Beijing Road. See some cheap markets and cute market clothes that I'll remember for the next time I'm here. Cynthia comes and takes me to another place in Ximenkou which has pretty nice clothes for $10-$40 average pricing. But they're nice; and a little different to Beijing.

We spend ages there I want to buy a lot; but I don't, because I hate shopping/buying with others. I don't want other's to pay for me (even though it's good for my wallet), and I don't want people I'm not close with to see my style and have them judge it. I end up buying some beanies for Eatrend, and see the perfect bomber jacket for him, but with no large enough size. I am eternally sad.

Go for dinner with their father/husband. I am just settling comfortably into the awkward atmosphere now.

3guma helps me catch the train home. As we leave the station exit, we take the wrong turn and we end up going in the wrong direction for ages. We call several times before we realise. I feel sorry for her.

After a day of break with father's side, I am ultimately glad to return to my mother's side.

I looked at all that stuff and didn't buy anything because: I think when I don't like buying things abruptly, I like comparing prices and sourcing things out before I buy. With only one day left; I feel like there's no point in shopping. Just gonna buy some shoes from downstairs. Maybe some scarves for Eatrend.

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