CD Day 28

23:59, Saturday, Dec. 22, 2013

Wake up for check out.

Takes 45 minutes to check out. They have to check our rooms to see if we wrecked anything. Apparently some of my locks are broken. I say that they were broken before I came. Not that I used them anyway.

We finally leave. Me and Karmen are ta different terminals. Will miss her tonnes.

Get to the airport. I'm way to early for check in but I do so anyway. Alex is catching the plane just before mine to Guangzhou so we chat for a bit properly for the first time on this trip. It's pretty good actually, and I kind of wished I got to know him better on the trip. But it's hard to really talk to people in a group sometimes.

After two hours of waiting I'm finally on the plane.

I arrive. My dad's younger brother picks me up. It's a bit awkward because I'm shit at speaking chinese or speaking to people in general. He makes a conversation in Mandarin and surprisingly I can understand all of it. Woah.

Reach his place to stay for the night. I see my grandmother on my dad's side and 3guma. We eat dinner together and it's incredibly awkward. I head to bed early because I am so, so tired, but I watch a movie before I sleep.

I am so tired.

It's not as cold outside in Guangzhou, because I've been freezing my ass off being vain in Beijing. However, everywhere inside Beijing is like the warmest haven on earth; here there is no heating whatsoever. It's equal I guess. But Beijing's cold has definitely made me immune to cooler weathers.

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