CD Day 24

23:58, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013

These mornings are killing. Seriously.

So I chatted with the teacher a bit about my composition. I was clearly annoyed and it was a little tense until I was just like 算了 and she understood that my writing is actually better than my speaking.

We decide not to go to Summer Palace, and go home and study for tomorrow's big test instead. It's a good idea, only, I don't study; I study for about 2 hours and play around for 3.

We planned Yoshinoya tonight, but going to it, it doesn't look that good. We hesitantly try it and it's just as shit as it looks. There's a silent agreement of shittiness and regret, because we've all spent too much money on going out for food this past week. I mean, if we had eaten at the school canteen instead, we would actually save so much money.

I feel it coming: the stingy side of me that comes when I've spent too much money uselessly or even necessarily. And I definitely spent the same amount in the last week as I did in the first two weeks.

We finish up and go home to study. We are so used to each other, and yet we can still find things to laugh about, it's strange.

I'm cramming like shit but I'm so tired and it's so bleh. I think I'm just going to wing it. I only need to pass.

Things I need to do still in Beijing (while hopefully not spend too much money)
- Buy Lolita
- Maybe buy an olive jacket
- Finish money on student card
- Finish public transport card
- Buy postcards
- Buy a present for Karmen
- Maybe buy a present for my buddy?

Things I still have to do in Guangzhou
- Buy lots of earrings/trinkets/room deco
- Buy a scarf for mum
- Buy scarves/beanies for bro
- Buy clothes? Bags?
- Buy shoes!

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