CD Day 23

23:52, Monday, Dec. 16, 2013

Sleep in. Hate class. Don't learn a thing here.

Find out that Daniel fucking Ge has spread shit about me and my shoplifting. That bitch.

On the go lunch, and I head to Dongwuyuan. It's same as usual and I try some bargaining but it doesn't work out and I don't really want anything anymore. I think it's awesomeness has worn off. I rethink buying scarves and beanies here and decide to wait for Guangzhou.

I head to Silk Road to buy batman t shirts. The guy recognises me and I get it down quickly to 30 yuan each.

Head to Yashow with K, S and C. We look around. Clothes are meh, prices are shit. There are some very cute earrings that I want, just for clothes/room deco but they aren't that cheap. I buy one pair for about 10rmb and take note of a lot of little things to look for when in Guangzhou. I decide not to buy it here, because it seems like a rip.

C goes home, but me, K and S go to Crow's Nest for the third time. There's no doubt the workers recognise us; 3 times in less than a week man. Also, one of them asks if we want to join VIP when we pay the bill (to which we say no thanks, since we're leaving on Saturday and won't be back).

We order desert this time and it's pretty good, although we are pretty stuffed. Mmmm. I've eaten so much crap in Beijing, it's not even funny.

Also, it turns out that K bought a few things at Yashow that I wanted (i.e. a box and some earrings) for me for my birthday. They were too much for me to buy personally, so she just bought them for me. She is so sweet, really. And I really adore it.

Head home and make the last trains again.

I get my composition back and the fucking Hanyu teacher says that this isn't 'my words' and says I should write a more appropriate to my level piece. Fuck that shit, I'm not writing another one. So pissed right now. And there's a test tomorrow. Fuck. This. Shit.

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