CD Day 21

23:59, Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013

Wake up feeling good.

Skype parents. Update them on shit; my shopping regrets; my spending; how canteen food is meh; etc. etc. I feel less shit about spending on crap and I feel like I really do miss them a lot. I talk to them for two hours; I don't eat lunch or withdraw money.

I finish the call to go with Shirley to get her tattoo done in Sanlituan. Me and K buy some chips on the way because we are starving. I somehow end up in Yashow by myself shopping around, while S gets the tattoo done. When I go back, she is already done. The circle is perfect and looks awesome. I am so tempted to get a tattoo. Plus the artist who did hers was super, super, super, super my type/cute.

As we finish, we decide we cannot make it in time at Haidilao (at which the Kouyu teacher invited us to). I feel super sad, but S really did not want to go. I want to go to Kro's Nest, but we decide to try Annie's instead, to try something new.

Annie's is italian. It's pretty shit. Should have gone to Kro's Nest.

We walk around trying to find American Apparel. My 3G in China is shit and the maps are not helpful at all. We can't find it at all and just decide to go to Kro's Nest for dessert--one dessert and 3 ice teas. However, when we get there, it's packed full with people lining up. We leave.

We walk around trying to find a good dessert place/find American Apparel. No such luck. We give up and head to a Hong Kong-style dessert place and all get coconut Sei Mei Lou. We chat.

We leave to head home when just a few shops in front of us we see American Apparel. We literally walked past it earlier. I am so excited. I enter and just the feel of it excites me and makes me happy. The prices are as usual, and I think even a bit more than they are at Aus. I find the closest to perfect bomber jacket for my bro there for $450.

We leave; I am satisfied; we make it in time for the last train (both of them, as we need to change lines).

Back at home. I buy an iceblock for no reason. I eat a lot of crap here, and I spend a lot more even though the prices are about the same. Tomorrow I'm going to buy fruit; I need it.

There is not a lot of time left and we still have a lot of things to do/places we want to go. There are still 6 more days but we have tests and school dinners that hinder us.

Sincerely, I don't want to leave yet.

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