Too much time

23:43, Wednesday, Jul. 10, 2013


Oh yeah so on the day I wrote the last entry (6 days ago) I got my Ls licence I forgot to mention. Yes, I know, finally.

I went painting at Diana's place again and it was fun as usual. Ate her cooking, met her mother. I didn't finish so I'll probably be back again next week to finish it off.

Tomorrow, I'm going thrifting and shopping with Pimmy.

I have too much time these days. I end up thinking too much and stressing about it. My future, my past, my current self, the present, tomorrow morning, etc. Most every night I never want to sleep because I never want to wake up to have to face another day.

I mean, I used to do a lot of 'productive' things in my spare time. Writing lists, writing stories, dreaming, reading manga, etc. etc. But I can't seem to do any of those comfortably anymore because... I feel like I can no longer afford to because my present state and future prospects look like fuck.

Every day, the urge gets stronger: I want to get out of this place.

I have been watching Twin Peaks and buying Pensioner Excursion tickets.

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