
21:52, Thursday, Jul. 04, 2013


So... I haven't done much. And surprisingly... time passes by really, really slowly, which must mean I want it to pass faster. Which could possibly be true, as I now seem to hate the idea of staying home doing nothing for too long. I get restless. Seriously. Post-employed syndrome.

My hair looks like fuck. I've been trying to grow out my fringe, but everyday I go through the thought of spontaneously just cutting it. I want to dress up and feel pretty again but right now I hate spending money more. Ergh.

With all this spare time I might actually start doing the things I always said I would do, just to make myself feel productive. Which is technically a good thing I guess.

Things to do:

  1. Clean room & re-sort wardrobe
  2. Sleep earlier + wake earlier
  3. Start jogging
  4. Play some scales on piano
  5. Get back into guitar
  6. Possibly start painting since its relatively cheap and satisfying =w=
  7. Photography on hold until summer

I need some new friends.

I want a cat.

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