University majors and dreams

16:29, Saturday, May. 04, 2013


So right now, I'm doing Commerce/Arts at university double degree and it's five years in total. I got most of my architecture units counted, so it was possible to shorten it to 4 years if I overloaded a semester or two.

Right now, for the arts side, I'm definitely majoring in Chinese. I even want to go on exchange for a semester in China, which I know is pretty boring, but honestly, I have come to terms with my fobness, and China is a good place to start, as I can learn the language while going somewhere new without being too new.

I am also hoping to major in Japanese as well for the arts side, although the requirements for the major are a bit stricter. Though exchange would have been absolutely lovely, I know it's quite impossible due to my marks, limited spots, and degree restrictions. So just learning it would be ok.

However, more than ever before, I've been entertaining the idea of working overseas. No, actually, it is my current increasingly solidifying dream. I want to work there so much, I don't even care what I do (except teaching is sort of like :S). I'm thinking of Japan mainly, but China would be ok, and anywhere else in Asia is alright as well I guess. I think I want to learn Korean next year as well on the side maybe lool.

Anyway. That's why I decided indefinitely to do a double major on the commerce side, with one of them being international business. Because I need to have at least one thing to 'enjoy' on the commerce side. Yep.

Lastly, is the other major in commerce, because I know international business is not a very stable major (in my and many other's opinions). I'm probably doing finance, although marketing is another possibility (esp with international business).

Anyway, I recently did my midsemester exams and they were pretty horrible, especially my economics one. In fact, economics scares the shit out of me, because no matter how hard I try, it is just so fucking hard to understand. That's why if finance is anything similar, I'm pretty sure I'm fucked.

This is why I considered marketing, but only as a growing 20%. This is because, the subject is easy to understand and grasp, has more interesting future job prospects I must say, and it's not finance.

However, talking to my parents is fucking hopeless, one of the reasons being that one of their points against marketing, is that I'm not suited for it because I'm like 'quiet' and 'asian' so I'm uncreative and at a disadvantage to white people. Honestly, though I know that is true to an extent, it is so. fucking. offensive to hear that I should completely disregard a whole job area just due to a minor part of my personality. Fuck.

Honestly, this year especially, I'm getting really used to going outside my comfort zone. I think I've unconsciously become more confident, which is awesome, and I think was the result of first job + second year of uni + my brother's words + less friends to pull me down, etc. So it's not like I haven't changed or matured at all from my high school self. Geez.

Anyway, I talk to my parents, because I generally have no one else to consult. But really, it doesn't help. I'm probably doing finance.

Regardless. I want to work overseas.

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