Couple of things

00:40, Saturday, Apr. 13, 2013

Before I fall behind:

During the holidays, I spent two long days doing Pim's thing, and though it was rather crude and I encountered many problems, I think it turned out alright... given the circumstances... I left it unbound since it was so small and too late to fix, but I'm still a little proud of it.

Break was good, since it was the first tie in ages where I didn't have school OR work or outings, and I could just sleep and bludge around all day.

Schoolwork is alright for now, although I should probably start sorting notes out and revising soon..

I've got a Chinese group who are rather chill and everyone is friendly and now eager to get to know everyone. The subject is surprisingly likable for now as well, although I'm still excited for next year when I learn Japanese.

Commerce is alright but not the awesomest, although the concepts are surprisingly interesting.

Highlight of the month: recent just finished the greatest Harry Potter fanfiction in the whole internet, called, "Death of Today." Honestly the greatest, and incorporates many plot aspects which I adore and love and everything is perfect and awesome. I'm pretty sure the author reads manga as well which would explain a little.

Not planning on starting work any time soon. Talking to Silvia a whole lot. My vision of the shop has declined drastically. Still sleeping late and waking up late. Feeling a little depressed I think.

Depression = Every night, not wanting to go to sleep because of not wanting to wake up for tomorrow.

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