21 for 21

02:20, Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013

Here's my list of things to do before I turn 21 and also my resolutions (the complete ver.):

  1. Get a D
  2. Found my way at uni
  3. Find at least one new really good friend
  4. Gone overseas other than china
  5. Live alone for a short period of time (preferably 4 and 5 together)
  6. Improved considerably on my canto
  7. Learn how to plaly guitar at a decent level
  8. Fixed my lifestyle into a healthy one
  9. Fixed up and decorated my room
  10. Become a better, nicer, friendlier, more open, cleansed person
  11. Developed my library and reading
  12. Found another job that I genuinely like
  13. Have been in a relationship no matter how short or asiany
  14. Become an A cup
  15. Picked up photography
  16. Become pretty, or at least get over it all
  17. Become sufficient in cooking
  18. Light mini fireworks
  19. Do a decent time capsule
  20. Achieve a 60cm waist
  21. Decide on/get a tattoo!!

There are so many things I want to do, so many things I want to tell, but I feel like it's lost inside of me and my head, lying on my tongue. I'm waiting or someone or something to pull my out of this state, but I know the only thing that'll push me is a single moment of determination that overcomes me as I wake up one morning.

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