Small achievements

20:13, Monday, Dec. 10, 2012

Got my very first D!!! So excited and honestly shocked because I was pretty sure I failed that exam so I'm so glad. My results this sem weren't even that bad, its just that I failed studio, but luckily the mark wasn't 0 or something.

Argh this has made me a little conflicted about dropping but then I realised that this sem I had photography and art workshop which are totally un-arch related subs, and technically the bludge subjects. Tech was a fluke, and studio (the most important one) was a fail.

It's that graduation goggles thing, because I haven't been to uni in a while, but I know I'm just not cut out for it. Plus I still really want to learn chinese and jap now so :)

The marks are only ever low 70s, high 60s on average but I'm so, so happy, because I've been to the worst parts and I've known what it feels like. In these cases I feel really grateful and appreciative and just knowing that I can genuinely feel this way makes me feel even more happy :)

Don't take small achievements lightly! They can mean a world of happiness, if only for a second.

Plus, I crossed 'get a D' off of my 20 things before I turn 20 list :)

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