Almost September

17:43, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012

Hi. There are some days that I want to write and write and never stop.

It's almost September and yet it feels like nothing really happened this year, although I'm sure a lot of things have. Everything is sort of rather vague and loopy. If I make a decision and continue through with it, it feels like it made no impact at all...

I think it's like that feeling you get when you travel. You go to somewhere across the ocean and you experience new things, eat new foods, see new people, etc. but when you come back, it's as if those things never happened, and your old life just resumes. This year sort of feels like that, but on a smaller closer scale. No matter what I do, everything is still the same.

Last night, in a bout of insomnia, I dug up my old diary (one of them) and started reading. I felt like I hadn't changed at all, except back then, I felt the need to write my thoughts down. And then I thought that I'm still too young to be thinking about direction, of any sort.

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