
23:12, Friday, Jun. 15, 2012

I need to sleep. I want to sleep. I've had the fucking longest day today it feels like a whole week was smashed into 20 hours. I am so tired. I'm so tired I'm swearing like I'm being paid for it. I have acquired the skill of being able to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, within two seconds. I can find comfort in a flat wall as a pillow. Anything and everything is a bed.

It's almost, almost over, and I am no longer excited about it, or looking forward to the end. I am just really tired and wanting to sleep. I am closer than ever and yet it feels like it is still ages away.



I miss sleep.
I miss doing something for myself.
I miss eating healthy and at regular times.
I miss my previous semi-organised lifestyle.
Most of all, I miss sleeping.

But I can't go to bed yet right now.

Because I'm waiting.

Always, always waiting, probably the only other way I can stand staying up during the night until dawn.

I need to write this shit down soon seriously, wait 'til I buy a mini notebook for it and then it'd be the only thing I'd write in, because that little slight glimmer of my life is the only thing I adore to bits.

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