
22:27, Tuesday, May. 22, 2012

Pulling consecutive all nighters, texting until the 5am deadline, bonding through shared procrastination habits and just talking. Like I said, these next two three weeks are going to be HELL. At least today has come and almost gone already.

Cindy quit.

I love my phone, but I hate it at times.

Wanting, waiting, thinking, but its not really happening or going to.

Deadlines, deadlines, I wish they were scarier.

I took a day off work this Monday (Jar took it instead) which felt strange because it was the first time in 10 weeks almost. I don't know whether I should continue with Mondays, or give it to the new girl, because I'm sure she'd be much better than I am, and then I get another extra day.

Buying little things because I can e.g. gum, asian drink poppers, printing cards, snacks, etc.

I can't fucking wait for those 6 weeks of holidays. Fuck, I wouldn't mind if I worked 6 days a week then, it'd still be better than school. I just need to pass this semester first.

I want to be a housewife. The desire is very strong and rapidly growing.

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