Inspiration possibly

7:16 PM, Sunday, Nov. 06, 2011

Today I went to Amanda's place and got some clothes. Clothes that have personality :D

I also found this 16-year-old boy's tumblr where he posts the film photos he takes, and they are absolutely magical and so inspiring and I think I've just re-entered the SLR phase again which is great :)

And it makes me want to travel and go to surreal places and flit around like a fairy by myself because places like that make human beings seem insignificant.

I actually feel kinda stressed at the moment, like the semi-stressed I got right before exams, because there is stuff I HAVE to get done this week because it's due by formal i.e. buy my shit, make jaya's shit + collect, collect other person's thing + secretly collect stuff at her lodging + then make. And spending money, ooooh how I loathe thee.

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