Found this shit:

9:05 PM, Monday, Sept. 26, 2011

I laugh at myself. But then, every time I'm on this site, I look at my username and shake my head. And when I read my first entries, I throw a chair. And then I know things have changed but I don't know how much.

Dear whoever this may concern, in future generations, or earlier.

Do not show or tell anyone this message, before you read it first and do your deed.

*My name is Eve Wang and this todays date is Sunday the 8th of April, 2006. It is 12:22 PM

I live in [xxx], New South Wales, Australia, Earth, Milky Way.

i am in year 7. i am 11 years old today and i am turning 12 this year. i was born on the 31st of December, 1994.

i want to say this:

School is not only about work, it is also about socialising too. School is not just for academics, but for learning. What you want to learn, you will learn at school...but what you want to learn, and what you want school to teach, is up to you.

At this time, cars are polluting the air and causing greenhouse gases. Forests are being cut down. The temperature is rising because of global warming. Science is stronger then myths than God. Magic is considered made up.




If you don't respect the future and don't want to keep a history of ordinary people's lives, listen to this:

The world is full of people like you. People who don't care about the future. Your people are taking over the world, so it is up to us to keep little things like these, going.

If you do respect the future and want to keep a history of ordinary people's lives, please write what i have done above, but do it your version of your life, under mine, next to the next star.

You will forget this message.Whatever you do, you mustn't tell anyone about this message in anyway, not in a story, not to your best friend and definately not out into the world,in public. Put this note back where you find it or bury it underground.

If you do respect the future:

You will remember that you have done a good deed, forever.

If you don't respect the future:

You will not remember a thing except that your deeds are weeds introduced to this world.

If this message is destroyed, the destroyer will die
And on the ground this cold hearted fellow will lie
Depending on the way this message terminates
The gates will open to varying bad fates
Maybe to relations, maybe to foes
But whatever happens it's all woes
So be careful, and don't you dare
To leave this note without a care
Best to keep it tucked away
Safe and sound for the day
Forever this spell will hold
Stories in dreams will be told

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