Phone calls

4:50 PM, Tuesday, Jul. 05, 2011

My mother calls home between 4-5pm just because she can although my brother and I find it completely unnecessary. It's also such a complete bother because she usually has nothing to say aside form the usual 'have you don't your homework?' or 'are you still on the computer?' with the occasional 'vacuum for me.'

So the phone rings, and in unison we turn our heads towards the phone which is lying conveniently on the table between us. No one moves, because neither of us want to pick it up. And we're just pausing in hesitance looking at each other speaking with our eyes: 'You pick it up' 'No you' 'No you' 'No you' 'You' 'You' 'Fuck its ringing!!!' 'Fuck pick it up already!!!' 'Fuckk finee..'

And then we're just laughing silently to ourselves while one of us picks up the phone and return to our respective actions we were doing before, utterly amused for about five seconds.

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