
7:23 PM, Thursday, Jun. 30, 2011

I am so scared shitless right now. Not even of the things due tomorrow but just of the future. Of what I'll be doing and what will happen and if things continue at this rate then I'm absolutely fucked,

It's creeping up on me at the most random times. I feel like crying on the train in the morning, shouting at my friends in class, tearing up my sheets and chucking my folder at my maths teacher.

I love my friends, to bits and bits and bits. But god I wish I just had someone close who mayn't be the brightest kid but knows that studying is all that's needed to make up for it. Technically, we all know it, but I think because I see a lot of my (closer) friends just procrastinate to the max and scrape by, I seem to follow their example, pretending it's going to be ok.

Garghhhh break awaaaaayyyyyyy.

Lol @ I wrote 'Dancing at Talent Quest' on a co-curricula form. Yeah I was really desperate.

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