I Love Apples

11:23 PM, Saturday, Mar. 05, 2011

Apples are my world. I eat them everyday. They're so big and filling and crunchy and juicy and satisfying and taste great. Each day I look forward to eating one more than I look forward to eating my meals. They override my desire for junk and snacks and juice and water and most other things I eat these days. This may sound like the silliest thing ever, but I am being as serious as I get. Just last week I felt so depleted during my last period of school one day when I failed to pack an apple in my lunchbox, and instead, got the lacking replacement of a plum. I like apples so much that even when they go brown when I leave it out for too long, I continue to eat at it anyway, because you know what? It still tastes the same. I hope to live the rest of my life with a basket of apples always present in my house. Big, round, shiny, red (or green is alright), crunchy (no mushy) apples. I'll plant apple trees. When my parents come back from grocery shopping and I see a bag filled with apples, I'm filled with so much joy. I love the taste of the skin, it's my favourite colour, it adds that extra crunch and texture, and sometimes it's sour, sometimes is sweet. One bite through and it reveals the sweetest white flesh. I have a method of eating apples. I start from the widest part of the centre, and I create this trough around the apple through the skin until it's about two bites deep. Then I widen it starting from the bottom, and then to the top, until I'm nibbling at the very core, until theres no way to eat any more without biting into the seed/s. They're so healthy too, so much fibre and water content and goodness, although I suppose that stuff only means a bonus to me. I have to say, I'm addicted to apples. All this talk makes me crave some more. You may be seeing more of this talk in the future. Goodnight.

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