
6:44 PM, Monday, Jan. 24, 2011

Hi there. I've finally started to do something school related today. So I'm hoping to finish all my modern notes by tomorrow, hopefully get most of it done today, and be able to do extension research tomorrow.

I'm getting really annoyed at the moment, because I've just finished all the 'fun' topics and I'm stuck with the boring ass long ones to do now. It's sort of that irritation you get when you've done a reasonable amount of work, but you still have more than a reasonably amount left still to do. And for some reason the day's temperature went up incredibly even though it's already 7 now.

For each topic, I have to summarise three booklets which basically say the same thing and sponge it all together into one copy of notes. Despite how tempting it is, you can't just ditch the two shitty ones and only read the good one. Because there's this paranoid feeling you'll miss out on something, usually another way of wording the same phrase. And even though you hate doing it, you need to do it, because summarising in general feels satisfying once it's done. Like the feeling of scrunching up paper into a compact ball.

Sort of like cleaning. I hate cleaning so much I put it off for as long as I can. But when I do it, I have to do it properly and thoroughly, because in the end, clean things are nice.

When I do something, I have to do it all in one go. Because it's like you recharge yourself for one-time battery use, which you have to use all at once. The more I summarise, the more I have to summarise. The more I clean, the more I have to clean. Because there's this zone. And I'm in this zone. And this zone is fuck annoying to get into, so you want to stay in it as long as you can to get as much done. Before you return to being a lazy ass.

Okay yeah I'm only meant to go on net for non-distracting stuff like email, but here I am being lenient on myself.

Last year, I was trying to reduce the number of random pointless entires I wrote, because they're absolutely meaningless. However, when i look over my archives, it feels kind of sad that one amazing year is shortened into one short scroll down the page.

So yeah, until I actually have things interesting happening to write about, I'll just write about crap like this which makes me feel better.


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