
9:28 PM, Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2010

Last day of school today. Waste of time, although I suppose I reason with myself that I should be cherishing these last few moments that I have in school.

Yesterday on lowers watching junior boys march in cadet uniforms, having a lovely chat talking with bestie about sex and such. Sex is hilarious.

Today having a small chat with folks in Jap class just about shit and it feels good because I haven't talked to anyone in our group like this in a while. I'm glad to know that we're still friends.

You know, all the time, maybe everyday, because I'm reminded of it whenever I'm at school, I wonder how that happened and if the past really was like a dream, which was never meant to last. How I can speak about that person so objectively and pretend everything is ok, and nobody knows or has noticed anything different. Is everything ok?

I'll admit it, I do miss being friends, or if we weren't friends in the first place, I do miss her.

And that concludes school year 2010. It feels like there were so little days of life, yet the days were long and we experienced so much. Life is short but long too.

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