
10:46 PM, Sunday, Nov. 21, 2010

Dad's back and already at the door I've suddenly realised how much I've missed him.

Me and my bro excitedly tearing apart at his luggage, undoing so many strings and knots which seemed to be tied up as if there were human bodies in the case. I feel like we returned to being little kids.

Finally, realising just how much I cannot trust my father to buy things I ask for. He seems to be very amused and awed by things that are fake but 'look' real, although I seem to be able to see through it straight away.

Things like my brother's earphones, my capo which looks like it cost AU$0.50, my phone which is a fake iphone, but is so shitty I can't even bring myself to try to like it, my cheap stationery pens which are actually gel pens, the correction tape which transformed into liquid paper, the pencilcase which I specifically told him he didn't need to buy, but there it is, in all it's stiff, brown, big, ugly, unconventional glory, the apple earphones, which are not apple and are innies, the basketballs, which are fake and too rubbery.

It's not that I abhor fake stuff, I mean sure, it's great if it can pass, and it sure saves money. But fake to the point that it's cheapness has affected the quality too much? And the most frustrating thing is... he thinks those fake things are so smart and clever, and such bargains. I suppose fake things in China sell because of people like him.

I'll try not to seem ungrateful, because I know he only wants us to be happy.

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