Cause and effect

4:53 PM, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010

Frustrated and annoyed.

I love playing my guitar, I love the fact that I (sort of) own one, I love it when I'm holding one, and I just love guitars in general, because they are amazing, beautiful, wondrous creatures, which I want to be reincarnated into a tree that will be made into one.

All that, but-! I don't think I'm making any progress at all. I can't play any songs and it's been almost a year, and all I have made from it are ugly calluses and shrinking nails. The strings rattle because it seems I'm not pressing hard enough and when I strum it sounds like something is being grilled.

So I'm frustrated and annoyed because I love it so much yet I'm trying so much and it feels like I haven't gotten better in any way, and I can't seem to be able to play for forever, or just a bit longer before my fingers turn into jelly.

I love the guitar, but I wish I could back it up.

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