Calling all spaceships and UFOs

2:28 PM, Saturday, Jun. 12, 2010

So finally called Joanna today, and it started off as awkward as we were, and we talked about all these things I weren't sure I understood, and these things that I couldn't do anything about and these things that I felt so sad I could cry.

Which of course we did.

Felt so helpless, and depressing, and like someone's splashed a bucket of reality from the world onto me to wake me up from the dream of fantasy I had.

But I'm glad. It feels like we're on the road to recovery. Maybe. It's working out, we're going to get over this, we're getting through this.

And I think I understand you/r actions a tad bit more.

I'm going to open my mind. I'm going to help work this out. Because I think if we can overcome this, it'd be a major achievement. Like we'd be able to get over anything. Cold wars were hard, but unintentional drifting is even harder.


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