
6:02 PM, Sunday, May. 30, 2010

Oh my fucking god I'm gonna rant like shit here, BUT! I HATE MY FUCKING COMPUTER!!! I already have to put up with it shutting down and restarting for no reason when I go on 'unstable' sites, e.g. my school site, wikipedia, smh. I already have to put up with its slow ass shitty speed. I already have to put up with it freezing for no reason and Ctrl+Alt+Del DOES NOT WORK for some fucking reason.

But you know what I hate the most? When I'm trying to download something, and it takes fucking ages. But not just that. It goes on fine right until the very end and then for some fucking reason the computer just freezes and the fucking download cancels and I'm forced to reset the computer AND THEN RE-DOWNLOAD THE PIECE OF SHIT.

And not just that, but I hate it when it's always the big things I'm downloading that freezes up. Like 50MB which might not seem big, but is SERIOUSLY big for me. And not just that, but it also only ever freezes on days when we're fucking out of usage, and I've been fucking saving myself up for this fucking download so I can use my usage sparingly.

And then it fucking freezes and I wasted the fucking usage, and I can't download it again until way later. Fuck what. What is wrong with this computer. There's some serious shit wrong with it. There's probably like 398234502 viruses on it but what the fuck. Why is it so weak. Why is it so slow. Why the fuck does it keep shutting down for no reason??

I have to carefully choose sites that I've been on before or else it'll go FUCK DOWN.

Fuck. So pissed. It's because we're capped and I haven't done anything fun. Plus I've watched Ofuri like 230432 times now, and I'm so fucking bored. Fuck.

Sorry for the rant.

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