Things that have happened that have changed my life this year

5:41 PM, Saturday, May. 22, 2010

As the title says.

  1. Lookbook, Modcloth, fashion companies and blogs
  2. Cousins coming over
  3. Going to Youth
  4. School and exams
  5. Being with my friends
  6. Watching 500 Days of Summer
  7. Starting the guitar
  8. Finding my own music and music in general
  9. Thomas and Lola (although this should be going under blogs)
  10. Taking an interest in photography (e.g. film camera)
  11. And more...
Yes life-changing<3 Lol.

I can see us all changing. I can see it in the people I least expect, and yet always expected of. It'll be hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started, actually that'll probably be impossible, because it's always happening. But I love it. Even though sometimes I hate the change in life, I think I'm beginning to accept it. When life is moving, it's beautiful.

Beautiful things<3

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