Half Yearlies

5:11 PM, Wednesday, May. 19, 2010

I've never been more disappointed after an exam. I'm not going to explain why I haven't been studying as much as I should be, or as much as I used to. But I know maths hasn't been the best this time 'round.

2U was like bleh, but 3U was like FMLLL!! I swear, I started shaking and really panicking in the last 15 minutes. Afterwards I wanted to cry. I started to cry. And all throughout talking with my friends and walking to the bus stop and walking to central, all I wanted to do was burst out into tears.

I don't know why, I was never like this. Whenever I stuffed up a test I couldn't care less. But maybe it's because it's the MATHS half-yearlies. It's like, it's always been the stable good strong point I had. And now it's like BOOM gone. It wasn't hard, but it was hard to me. I've never not finished that much in a maths test. Bloody hell.

So all I could think about was hurrying to the train to burst out crying there, or go home and cry myself to sleep on my bed. But in the end, by the time I reached Central, I had held it in and it dried already, but I went all pissy. Seriously. Quiet but pissy.

But train home with Amanda and Mel was great. I don't know, it just didn't seem as bad anymore and I didn't feel pissy or like crying anymore. So it's all good. They're such wonderful people =)

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