Ditching iceskating

9:54 AM, Friday, Apr. 09, 2010

Yesterday was fun. Instead of iceskating we went to Blue Mountains. Bleh. I put on my knee high zebra stripey socks just to piss off my mum, but then I turned out hardcore asian the entire day. Well I think we're finally getting closer =) Been kicking butts as a bad habit now (from Michelle) so I think we all picked it up. LOL.

Car trip back was the best<3 Trip to the mountains was so quiet and awkward because of I don't know. But on the way back we were just talking about songs and music and it was good. Went to Bankstown again before going to buffet at the RSL. Which was pretty okay, ate before Michelle and Andy came, even though they invited us...

Quotes of the night:

Sunfor: You know what 'spooning' means? I googled it. 'Coz there's this girl on my bus who keeps saying to me, "Hurry up and spoon me already!" She said it like twice! So I googled it.

Sunray: Where are Sunfor and Eatrend? Oh wait yes they're in the bathroom. I can here them laughing
Michelle: Oooh what are they doing laughing together in the toilet..?
Andy: They were dropping bombs.
Me: Huh?
Eatrend: Yeah I was shitting, then Sunfor comes in and says, haha you're taking a dump! Okay I'll take a dump too. So yeah and then I ask, hey have you finished? And he goes, yeah. But there's this plop in the next cubicle.
Sunfor: It wasn't me! I three like some toilet paper over the wall because I thought Eatrend was there. But turns out it was empty so it just landed in the toilet.


So this morning I was meant to go iceskating with the crew. But I ditched to go to Amanda's place. That's IF Amanda hasn't ditched me. My gawd. I need to call her but like I don't have her home number plus her mobile's not working. Crap. And I caused this major commotion by saying I'm not going ice skating. Fuck. Maybe I should just go to her house now. But what if she ditched me. Fuck. GAY!!!

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