Wollongong Picnic

6:23 PM, Monday, Apr. 05, 2010

Last night was a drag. Morning was a drag. Parents were like, swim? Me and Eatrend: No. So we didn't end up wanting to swim this time, since last time it was like... eff... Went to Grace's and Sunray wanted to swim so she was like why?? But turns out Michelle and Andy didn't even know we were going to a beach so they didn't bring anything either.

Went there, still pretty gay. No one changed cars on the way. Still feel awkward and shit a bit, like a bit left out, if we're not ALL together as a group. By ourselves we're like... *ziiiiip*

"Picnic" first. Sort of chased off the other people on the table who were doing some duke-of-ed-like thing, by scaring them off with the amount of food we brought. Yeah. Lol. Sushi was nice (Y) same with the fish (Y) We wish there was a BBQ though.

Then went down to the beach. Andy was first to get wet I think. The rest of us sort of dwadled around in the water, which wasn't really cold, but definitely not warm either. This fricken ugly shit ass frisbee someone brought, was our key entertainment. Sunfor kept chucking it in the water, so we kept trying to find it. And then suddenly Michelle tried to push Sunfor in but failed, and the wave crushed her, and she came out drenched. Oh lordy dord.

Suddenly everyone else was at least half in the water except me and Sunray, who didn't want to get wet. Michelle seemed sort of pissed and depressed while she got full drenched a couple of times. Sunfor kept escaping everyone like yesterday and didn't get full wet.

In the end (I ditched Amanda's shorts to keep them dry (Y)) we all went into the water and I got soaked to my undies (which was my main goal to avoid) so I was like, hell with it, I'm gonna have fun >:) Plus I love it when I can scream, because it just... never happens much you know?

My favourite part: Full on pushed Sunfor headfirst into the thing. Like you know when they stand in the waves and you come up from behind and push them in? Yeah Andy and Sunfor were like pros with that, but Sunfor was the only one who's hair was still dry. So in he goes >DDD Hilarious, man. Felt so good.

Then I was only like knee length still, Andy and Sunray kept getting, what's the word? Like the get shoved under the wave and stuff. Well this huge massive wave comes and knocks me off my fucking feet and slams my butt onto the ground. Sunfor felt it too! Damn hurt like shit. After that, like this concession of whatever of three massive waves come and knock me off every single time.

It feels good and refreshing and stuff. But it's hella scary too. Since I've never done it before. And I'm not a good swimmer. So when I get ducked, the water is fully in control. Water goes up my nose, my mouth, my ears. I'm off my feet so many times, and I don't want to touch the ground, but I'm scared of losing control. Scary shit that feels good.

After that I just went out. Full covered in sand. My pockets were filled with sand. My hair was sandy. My undies were sandy. Oh lord. We left to shower. Freezing cold outside with drenched clothes. Foot showers suck so we went to toilet showers. Turns out my mum brought like spare clothes for me and Eatrend, despite our protests. What a smart, smart, prepared lady man. Oh quote Andy for the day:

Andy: But... I'm glad we all got wet today

And I agree :) I think he has this underlying meaning underneath when he said it, even though he's like a fricking asshole. It was way better than yesterday, because... we were like the only ones there. It was deserted and we practically were having the most fun outa everyone on the beach. Saw some surfers, the lifeguards, some beach people watching us get drenched, amused, but too scared to go in themselves. LOL @ them. I wish... someone took pictures. It seriously was an epic moment.

Showers were funny. I took the only towel to dry. Boys shouting from next door for me to finish, but I full drenched it anyway so whatever. Hard to shower+change. But we managed. The water was like an icebreaker. An awesome icebreaker. I love awesome icebreakers. It was cold, but a first, so a real fun experience. When everyone came out, I took a poll, and four of us were wearing our wet underwear, and three of us weren't wearing any at all (Michelle, Sunyee, Sunfor) but in the end Sunfor couldn't get used to the bouncing package (LOLOLOL) and scared we'd dack him, he put them on again.

Eventually I went on their Nikon DSLR camera to take pictures. So hard to get colouring right, especially with the freaking cloudy days. But got nice shots of Sunfor and Michelle =) Full on stalker, taking like millions of shots of everyone, but deleting like all of them 'cause they were a waste of time. Bleh. Went down to the beach again after a bit and watched the others play frisbee. Sunyee went into kiddy fit with anger management problems (because of Andy) and then we went home.

Awesome day. But so tired. Took massive nap, like an actual long, nice, deep nap on the car. At least, I don't have to seem them tonight, or tomorrow for that matter. Not being mean, but... distance does make the heart grow fonder..? :)

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