
5:50 PM, Sunday, Apr. 04, 2010

Out with the cousins ALL fucking day since Friday. Yesterday day time, yesterday night time, just then we went to Manly Beach, and now we're going to go over to Grace's place for dinner. Like wow, aren't we a busy, busy bunch.

Manly was awesome. Actually mainly the ferry rides. Plus free latte coffee that was SO good shouted by Michelle. Got soaked to the undies. Shit why did I do that. My fucking god. So uncomfortable all the way home. But the ferry ride home was fucking awesome shit dude!!!

Yes there is a reason why I'm swearing so much this entry. Because I hate it how personality types are just drawn to each other. Up until yesterday I was closer with Sunray, but today, Michelle and Sunray are like way close. Like I knew it was going to happen, since they're both the like... loud types, but the hell. Why am I always the left out one. Seriously.

And I still find Sunfor easier to talk to.

Well I don't know, I woke up much moodier today. So... yeah. Maybe it has something to do with what I was wearing too. Since I was wearing jeans and jacket while yesterday was just like shorts and singlet. Yeah. Or just blah.

Well it's still quite fun. Like I admit, that this is probably the most ACTUAL holiday we've had in fucking ages, but its just that sometimes, I feel like so... excluded. Bleh. But seriously, they are fun people. I feel like I'm easily myself with them, unlike Louise and Frances, and plus, at least I'm not like a social hermit like I was with them last time :S

But still. I miss my friends. Wanna see them soon :)

My god, Sunfor is SO ripped. Can't resist punching him at the randomest times. Plus his guns are like fuck the what?? So tank man. Why isn't Eatrend like that? Lol.

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