Cousins over

11:04 PM, Friday, Apr. 02, 2010

So they're over. At first it was fuck awkward man, we did like nothing, and talked awkwardly while we ended up giggling over the awkwardness. My god.

But then Michelle came over and you know her, everything just went BAM and we watching movie, played cards with slapping penalties, went to my room while Andy played guitar, ate iceblocks and just talked some more.

Sunfor is the funniest shit alive. Last time, I thought talking to him was way easier than talking to Sunray. Yesterday, I thought that would be different since we're older now, and Sunray being a girl and all. But seriously? Sunfor's still as funny as he was back then and he's like so lol. Sunray doesn't talk as much, I don't know, I feel like we sort of leave her out sometimes, but its because she doesn't talk. I mean, I talk, Sunfor talks, even Sunyee talks.

But Sunray's so quiet. But she's so nice. And she looks like a... like a really happy boppy person. I think it's because me and Michelle keep talking together so she feels intimidated by this inclusive thing without her. I really want to put her in, and I talk to her, but yeah. Bit hard.

Sunyee is the cutest shit ever. Not as annoying as before. Andy hates the little shit, but they're seriously like the same, even though their like 4 years apart. My god, Eatrend is the tallest, than it's like me and Sunfor? Then Sunray, Andy, Michelle and Sunyee.

Oh yeah and sometimes it's easier to talk to Andy than Michelle. Hmm. Sometimes guys are so much more easier to talk to T_T

Well, there were like TONNES of stuff they didn't know about, like the term co-ed, Easyway, other places which they don't have in Perth. Damn they are missing out. Lol. But we're taking them to city to K and pool LOL

Oh and gym. Because gym is free :)

But seriously Sunfor is the funniest shit ever. Like I hate asian guys who full have this separate thing for girls and guys. Like they have to act a certain way. But Sunfor's like normal :)

LOL @ Andy playing the guitar. My chords PWN him xD

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