Kino trip

5:43 PM, Monday, Mar. 15, 2010

Omg just on the train back home, there was this leb guy, who looked totally stereotypically leb. With the hair, the guns, the muscle shirt, and backpack, the shorts, etc.

He got off at the same stop and said to me, 'Excuse me?' And me, not having many good encounters with guys around here, and with my ipod earphones in, said, 'What?' In like that, 'Why the hell are you talking to me you douche?' kind of tone.


I feel so mean. In the end he only wanted to know where to get to the library. And he even said thank you and omg he was just so nice. Sigh.

See this is what you get. Karma. Makes the world go rooounnnnnd.

Well, bought dictionary from Kino at Town Hall today. Spent most of the time just hanging around with Ticky, such a waste of time, but oh well. Keeps me off the computer.

Spotted Gaori too. And got to save $2.25. Yay. Oh well. I love peak hour trains in the evening. Not around now, but like, when it gets a tad dimmer outside. It's such nice lighting for thinking, and just for feeling.

Makes great room for inspiration :)

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