End of summer holidays

7:23 PM, Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010

Hey haven't seen you in a while. The entire summer holidays actually. Shame, because, this is maybe the best time of my life (of youth...)

I've been out quite a lot these summer holidays. I've got a list, that I was meant to write about, although now I think I won't ever actually do that. I've put it off for too long. One whole freaking month man. And I've got like 25 outings to talk about. I'll copy and paste the list here one day but just to summarise some stuff:

Christmas&New Year's with family. City with Ticky and other friends. Twins held a couple of things over in their area. Went to Amanda's place a couple of times. A lot of shit happening.

I've got a written diary yeah? It's quite random, but a lot of honest deep stuff is put in there, when I'm not bothered to write about it here. Hmmm... still not that much though. I haven't been diarying enough these holidays, I don't know if I"ll regret it in the future because I'll forget everything that happened.

But then, Ticky told me that my 'diarying' is too compulsory and forced, like something I HAVE to do, which I think is quite true. It's not particularly fun, sometimes, but when I get into it, it's pretty cool. ALthough it takes ages and ages to write it down. And I think it's kind of useless online here. It's unlikely I"ll browse through all these pages anyway. Hmmm.

Well anyway, why did I randomly decide to come on here anyway? TO complain about my family, yet again. Everyone is so tight. Does everyone get into these mood swings about their family so much, like I do? Fuck. I can't do anything I want. Would I be happier, if they let me do everything I wanted?

I need a job. All summer, I was way too chicken. Ergh. I'm such a chicken. But I want a job. I want money. I don't want to stay in this house any longer. Ergh. Why do I feel like this so much. Maybe I'm just in need of a hobby. Or a job. Something to do. I mean, if we had more than 10 fucking GBs of usage, I might actually have something to do.

But no we don't, nor will we get any more. Why? Because reading manga and shit is a waste of time. So what. It's a waste of MY time so get out of it. Ergh.

You know my dad pisses me off sometimes? The other day, he was reading how in Europe, muslim chicks can't wear the head cover thingo anymore in public or something. And he's like damn straight. And I"m like racist! And then he goes on like, no it's not, they shouldn't be wearing it out in public, it's not proper and uniform and shit. And i'm like, it's not like they want to it's called religion. If they can't do it here, then what else are they supposed to do, move out of the country?

And you know what he says? Yeah they should jsut move out of the country! That's why this law is good and shit. WTF. Even though I'm scared shit of muslims, at least i'm not a racist prick!!!!


Anyway, I think I'll be going here again, since school is starting soon. Lol. The irony. Even though I have more time in the holidays, you always do stuff in the time you don't have. Funny.

And when I feel like procrastinating, I might actually recap on stuff that happened in the holidays =)

Going out with Pim tomorrow, and then it's back to school in year fucking 11!!!! DD:

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