Bondi Beach

1:56 PM, Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009

Today, the entire group went to the beach, except for the overseas people went to the beach. Isn�t that cool? Never has it happened when the entire group (unless you absolutely can�t be HERE) went out together, outside of school. Oh wait, Shelley didn�t show up. But more on that later.

It was organised by Silvia and Maddy, so that�s why it came out so well yeah. I first didn�t want to go, everything was so soon as well, like I only really decided on Sunday and it was after much though. I mean, I didn�t have swimmers or board shorts, or anything, and this was actually the first time I�ve been to the beach, since� I was very small in Perth.

So technically, this was the first time I�ve been to the beach (in my memories), the first time I�ve been to bondi beach so I guess I was rather curious too. So yeah. I decided to go.

The night before, Monday night, everyone went to sleep quite early for some reason, at about 10:30pm-ish. Anyway at aobut quarter to 11pm, the phone rang. We were like wtf, but me, still being quite awake in my bed shot up. I mean, who else would call this late except for my friends?

The lady picked up, and then later said it was for me. Bingo. So I picked up and guess who it was? Jaya. LOL. But I was so confused.

Turns out, she�s considering going to the beach thing. Oh yeah, so before, apparently, everyone was coming except for Jaya. Which totally sucked. I sent texts to her going omg you suck, you better be going, keep me company on the sand so I won�t be lonely >< Apparently she felt guilty after my texts and decided considering going. Also, Ticky had sent some texts in CAPS beforehand, also threatening her to come.

Ticky later took credit for getting Jaya to come, and I sort of felt left out. I mean, my texts DID contribute right? And Jaya did say it was my text made her seriously change her mind. But maybe I was just relishing in the delight of my awesome non-existent persuasion skills. I didn�t want to tell Ticky, mainly because I didn�t want to seem stuck up or anything.

But seriously, I hate it A LOT when a lot of the stuff I think of doing first, that I was the first one with the idea, and I was going to do it one day, but then someone else does it and they get the credit for it. E.g. Pim and Ticky with blogging. Ticky with scrapbooking. Most of the time I suggest it to them, and then they decide to do it too.

Maybe it�s my fault actually, for being so indecisive about starting it. If I want it, I should begin it. I shouldn�t dawdle around, waiting for a convenient time. This IS the convenient time I�ve been waiting for to do all those things I wished to do. I shouldn�t blame it on resources, on money and I can no longer blame it on time.

I should just stop being so cheap and spend it on those little scrapbooking things to start what I said I was going to start this summer. And yet, I keep thinking back, where�s this money coming from? It�s my parents, but once they give it to me, it�s mine. And it�s not much, so I have to use it carefully. And honestly, scrapbooking stuff for me isn�t cheap. $2 things are not cheap to me. Aren�t I sad?

I can�t really blame it on my parents raising me up, even though they do influence me on not buying shit like scrapbooking stuff. They can�t really stop me can they? But I�m really tight. I can�t help feeling after I buy it, that it was a waste of money or something. And I can�t afford to waste. Or at least, I shouldn�t afford to waste. And I�m afraid of that feeling I might if I buy it.

Anyway. I�m off topic. So, another thought of mine, is that I think I actually influence Jaya a lot. Or at least, I�m capable of doing it. I mean, ever since this year, English classes, we�ve just bonded. I never thought I would�ve been able to talk so much about close stuff to her. I always knew I could understand her a TAD bit, because of our similar lifestyles, but I�ve never had an urge to just talk with her.

But now, I think she can actually tell me a lot of her lifestyle and stuff, maybe it�s because of the way we think, it�s similar in some aspects. And it�s just this mutual understanding. I love it when that feeling comes up.

Anyway, so yeah, she decided to go. (LOL returning to the actual topic�) And she called me, when my whole house had fallen asleep. Like wtf?? My dad got mini-pissed but he later returned to sleep during the phone call so he couldn�t lecture me.

So yeah, I fully dissed Jaya for a bit, but it was funny lol. So I got her to call Ticky, because I�m sure she was the only one I knew of that stayed up this late and wouldn�t be annoyed if she was called. Which was true. Her whole family was up lol.

Anyway, so for me, I was going to go to Ticky�s place earlier, along with Shelley who was going to come to grab her folder from school. When I got to Panania though, the train had arrived and I didn�t have time to buy a ticket, so I was like meh. Okay I�ll just buy it from Central (school pass).

And I think I saw Brennan and Brad Doel again. On the train station. But, maybe that�s just me being paranoid, because I�m not exactly sure this time. Whities can look the same from a distance too you know.

Anyway got off at Central, and went to buy a ticket to Bondi Junction. Conversation:
Ticket lady: $3.60 (or something) please.
Me: Okay *takes out wallet*
Ticket lady: But I can let you have it for cheaper if you come back in two minutes
Me: �Two minutes?
Ticket lady: Yep
Me: Ok

Yeah then I remember peak hour tickets are different. And I was like OMFG lucky~ ^^V I mean, thank god I missed the train so I wouldn�t have to pay more, and the lady was so nice =) I mean, I�m sure there were others that just got their ticket.

There were two others who got told to wait �a minute and a half.� Both were young women. LOL.

Anyway, Ticky told me ON THE TRAIN, that Shelley wasn�t coming because she had to go airport with her mum or something, and I could come later. TOO FUCKING LATE. So when I got out, I walked to her apartment building and waited outside. I waited 10 minutes, WHILE SHE WAS GETTING READY, slightly pissed, and then an old man walked out, so I snuck in a bit.

But apparently the lift doesn�t work unless you have a card, or if you were beeped in by someone through the speaker phone. So I was like ergh, stands inside and hopes nobody else comes.

Ticky finally came and we went in and hopped onto her computer for a bit. She passed me the song I wanted, �Picture Frames� by Georgia Fair, from that milk ad, and I�m totally obsessed with that song. It�s the only song I listen to on my ipod now. It�s on repeat =)

Then passed me this anime show, which later turned out to be this very cute yaoi OVA, which was more explicit than junjou and I was like *awkward* with my dad and brother near me, but it really was pretty cute =)

After a bit of procrastinating on her computer and kitchen, we went outside, when Maddy finally called us. Lol. They were at the train station and we caught up with them. Turns out we weren�t last ^^ Still waiting for Karen, and (secretly) Jaya, who told us it was meant to be a surprise.

However, Jaya coming wasn�t that big of an impact then we thought it would be. Maybe because Shelley and Pim weren�t here (they�re BIG Jaya fans), and Maddy even got slightly pissed because they didn�t tell her, since she was organising. But whatever, that was soon cleared.

Quickly bought a Travel 10 from the bus station newsagency, while everyone else was getting on the bus. Yikes.

Lady: Um� concession? Adult?
Me: Huh? Oh um. Child please.
Lady: *quiet* Concession? Child? Card?
Me: Um� I�m a child�
Guy: Do you have concession card?
Me: Huh? Oh um. Well I don�t have a concession card, but I do have a library card?
Guy: *checks card* Oh yes okay. Sydney Girls I see. Well you know some just pretend to get concession to get ticket cheaper you know?
Me: I see� Thank you�

They were asian of course. Lol.

Anyway we go the beach, and it was so pretty. The sand was so white and pretty, and the cloudy weather sort of made it sort of gloomy in a pretty way, like a Sweeney Todd scene. It was so nice. We sat on the sand and just did the usual.

Me and Ticky (mainly) took tonnes of pictures, taking turns wearing Cel�s sunnies. I was with her most of the day actually. Me without swimmers and her being self conscious meant waddling with the other people with their periods (Karen and Lisa) and Jaya, who wasn�t swimming. It was nice. I really wanted to just dunk myself under the water, but of course I couldn�t without swimmers. I couldn�t resist jumping at the waves though, so thank god I brought an extra pair of shorts (I was wear a dress), because I think half my undies got wet.

It was actually a pretty good day. Attempted volleyball, Frisbee, chatting, posing for pictures, watching others and waddling in the water. I think the beach was so pretty, much prettier than I thought it was. I loved the weather that day, just right, with lots of clouds, and that was good for me, because I hate hot days, and the feeling of being burned. The sun came out in the afternoon though.

Lunch for me was Hungry Jacks with Lisa and we complained that we couldn�t refill because their drink machine was inside the counter. Lol Lisa. There was even an Easyway too. I really wanted to just run around and play tips or something on the sand, but maybe that�s a tad bit too childish.

But it did feel nice.

We left and me, Ticky and Jaya walked around some of the shops (e.g. La Belle) in Bondi Junction before heading home. But omg, get this, when I was going onto the train I just managed to catch to go home, I saw at the doors, a familiar dress of someone�s, I was like NO WAY.

But I went down the carriages inside and YES WAY it was Ada Gao XDD Turns out she was invited to Nina Kempster�s birthday party thing, at Coogee Beach and then movies for Paranormal Activity. We chatted for a bit about stuff and stuff, she�s such a nice girl. Apparently she saw Amanda and Gordon at Central� in the morning?

And I thought to myself, oh it must be Matt�s party today. Oops. Lol. Wish I could�ve bumped into them though. Would�ve been good. But she got off at Kingsgrove at that was it for the rest of the ride. I saw an NSB in normal clothes in the same carriage though, and I was like WOAH. Omg, maybe from Matt�s party? XO

Anyway home time, and apparently I did get sun burnt, real bad around the front, with a stripe down my noes, the places where I forgot to put sunscreen. Oops. Strap tans. Damn. And I used to be so pale. I hope I pale-erise! ><�

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