Bankstown Shopping

1:54 PM, Sunday, Dec. 13, 2009

Bankstown shopping with the family, and the stupid lady tagged along. Didn�t buy anything today, but we looked around with her, which was pretty bloody annoying. Actually it�s super annoying just being near her. Ergh.

Well, this one time, we went inside this vintagey rich-ish store, and she bloody tried to take this dress of the display to check the price. It was like hanging from three different hooks, connected to all this shit, and she just tried to grab it off. Like wtf? How old is she??

The shopkeeper got pissed, and said, OMG don�t take it out of the display! Ask me! God! And then she went back to her customer for a bit, and the lady just said sorry, and continued to take it out. Like wtf. Everything fell down, and later the shopkeeper got super pissed at her.

Mum came in and handled things, but we still got kicked out. God. Mum was going along with the lady, and they were like HA, pissy white ladies. But I felt so embarrassed. Omg. So fucking embarrassed.

Yeah that�s all I can remember so that�s all.

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